What is a Fungal Toenail?

  • Also known as onychomycosis, fungal toenails are a common nail infection that begins with fungal species penetrating into your nail bed.
  • As time progresses, this can lead to discoloured (commonly yellow toenails), thickened, crumbly, and painful toenails
  • Fungal toenails can be caused due to excessive foot moisture, untreated Athlete’s Foot, or trauma to your toenails
  • Left untreated, toenail fungus can spread and become resistant to treatment
  • Receive education on treatment options, including oral and topical pharmaceuticals, and prevention of recurrence

What are the benefits of going to see a foot specialist?

There are several benefits to paying a visit to a chiropodist, also known as a foot specialist. Pain relief tends to be the biggest benefit for those suffering from issues such as heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. Chiropodists can also prescribe your custom orthotics that will help manage foot deformities, such as bunions. Custom orthotics can also improve posture and help patients hold their chiropractic adjustments longer. There are other symptoms like nail fungus, ingrown nails and many others. A licensed and knowledgeable chiropodist can help you get relief from several aches and pain. When it comes to your foot health and associated foot care, trust your feet in the hands of a friendly professional.

To summarize some of the benefits:

  • Relieve Your Pain
  • Improve foot deformities
  • Improved posture
  • and many more....